Report of SharePoint Files Incidents - PowerShell Script

Some time ago, I had a conversation with my friend about issues that SharePoint non-tech users commonly encountered. We found out that many of such difficulties are linked to document libraries and collaboration on files. Sometimes, individual actions can cause problems for the entire teams working together. Since human mistakes can and will happen, it’s vital to respond quickly when something goes wrong. As a result of our discussion, I embarked on a project to create a script that helps find and fix issues with files in SharePoint.

This script is created using PowerShell and makes use of the PnP PowerShell library, which is a very helpful tool for managing SharePoint environments.

To collect the needed information, I initially used the standard SharePoint versioning. Yet, I realized that certain crucial details, such as changes in file names, were absent in the versioning data. Although all versions retained the final file name, I needed a more comprehensive overview. Therefore, I incorporated the activities endpoint, accessible through SharePoint REST API version 2. This endpoint not only fills in the missing information regarding file name changes but also offers valuable insights into the file’s history.

Usage of the Activities endpoint

To access detailed information about file activities, we utilize the Activities endpoint. This endpoint is accessible through the SharePoint REST API version 2, which serves as a gateway to MS Graph. To retrieve file activities, we require a URL in the OneDrive format. To obtain this URL we can send a POST request to the GetSharingInformation endpoint. The response will include some properties like itemUrl, which we can utilize to access file activities.

Once we have the correct URL, we can make a GET request to the activities endpoint. This can be done using the Invoke-PnPSPRestMethod, as demonstrated in the example below. The action resource type provides details about the details of the activity. For instance, in the case of a file rename, the action property will the old name as well as a time and actor.

    # Get just itemUrl in SharePoint api 2.0 format from the sharing information of the file
    $requestUrl = "$SiteUrl/_api/web/Lists('$documentLibraryId')/GetItemById('$fileId')/GetSharingInformation?%24select=itemUrl"
    $sharingInformation = Invoke-PnPSPRestMethod -Url $requestUrl -Method Post -Accept "application/json" -Content "{}"

    # Get the file activities from the SharePoint api 2.0
    $itemUrl = $sharingInformation.itemUrl
    $activities = Invoke-PnPSPRestMethod -Url "$itemUrl/activities" -Accept "application/json"

Data included in the report

I’ve set up the script to identify the following events:

  • Renaming a file
  • Restoring a file from the recycle bin
  • Sharing a file with someone
  • Reducing a file’s size by more than 50%
  • Moving a file within the library
  • Checking out a file

Additionally, I’ve added features to keep track of the list of people who edit each file and to export the complete list of editors in the library. This allows us to identify users who shouldn’t have editing rights or those who edited files only occasionally and then stopped. By keeping an eye on these factors, the script helps maintain a more secure and efficient collaborative environment.

Result of the script

The result of the script are two CSV files. The first one contains information about incidents, and the second one contains information about editors.


The script itself

# Use your variables
$targetSiteUrl = ""
$libraryName = "Documents"

$editors = New-Object PSObject

function Get-DocumentLibrary {
    param (

    $documentLibrary = Get-PnPList -Identity $LibraryName
    if ($documentLibrary.BaseTemplate -ne [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ListTemplateType]::DocumentLibrary) {
        Write-Host "The list is not a document library"
        return $null

    return $documentLibrary

function Get-IsFolder {
    param (

    $fsObjType = $document.FieldValues["FSObjType"]

    return $fsObjType -eq 1

function Get-IncidentObject {
    param (

    $fileName = $document.FieldValues["FileLeafRef"]
    $fileId = $document.FieldValues["ID"]
    $fileType = $document.FieldValues["File_x0020_Type"]
    $fileSize = $document.FieldValues["File_x0020_Size"]
    $createdBy = $document.FieldValues["Created_x0020_By"]
    $createdDate = $document.FieldValues["Created_x0020_Date"]
    $modifiedBy = $document.FieldValues["Modified_x0020_By"]
    $modifiedDate = $document.FieldValues["Last_x0020_Modified"]

    $documentMetadata = [PSCustomObject]@{
        FileName     = $fileName
        FileId       = $fileId
        FileType     = $fileType
        FileSize     = $fileSize
        CreatedBy    = $createdBy
        CreatedDate  = $createdDate
        ModifiedBy   = $modifiedBy
        ModifiedDate = $modifiedDate

    return $documentMetadata

function Get-ClonedPSCustomObject {
    param (
    $newObject = New-Object PSObject
    $object.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
        $newObject | Add-Member -MemberType $_.MemberType -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value
    return $newObject

function Get-FileActivitiesIncidents {
    param (

    # Get just itemUrl in SharePoint api 2.0 format from the sharing information of the file
    $requestUrl = "$SiteUrl/_api/web/Lists('$documentLibraryId')/GetItemById('$fileId')/GetSharingInformation?%24select=itemUrl"
    $sharingInformation = Invoke-PnPSPRestMethod -Url $requestUrl -Method Post -Accept "application/json" -Content "{}"

    # Get the file activities from the SharePoint api 2.0
    $itemUrl = $sharingInformation.itemUrl
    $activities = Invoke-PnPSPRestMethod -Url "$itemUrl/activities" -Accept "application/json"

    $incidents = @()

    $activities.value | ForEach-Object {
        $activity = $_
        $isRename = $activity.action."rename"
        $isShare = $activity.action."share"
        $isMoved = $activity.action."move"
        $isRestored = $activity.action."restore"

        $incidentToAdd = Get-ClonedPSCustomObject -object $incidentObj

        $editor = $
        IncrementEditor -key $editor

        $incidentToAdd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Who" -Value $editor
        $incidentToAdd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "When" -Value $activity.times.recordedTime

        if ($isRename) {
            $incidentToAdd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Incident" -Value "Filename has been changed"
            $incidentToAdd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ValueBefore" -Value $isRename.oldName
            $incidentToAdd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ValueAfter" -Value ""
            $incidents += $incidentToAdd

        if ($isMoved) {
            $incidentToAdd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Incident" -Value "File has been moved"
            $incidentToAdd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ValueBefore" -Value $isMoved.From
            $incidentToAdd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ValueAfter" -Value ""
            $incidents += $incidentToAdd

        if ($isShare) {
            $formattedRecipients = $isShare.recipients | ForEach-Object {

            $incidentToAdd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Incident" -Value "File has been shared"
            $incidentToAdd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ValueBefore" -Value ""
            $incidentToAdd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ValueAfter" -Value $formattedRecipients
            $incidents += $incidentToAdd

        if ($isRestored) {
            $incidentToAdd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Incident" -Value "File has been restored"
            $incidentToAdd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ValueBefore" -Value ""
            $incidentToAdd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ValueAfter" -Value ""
            $incidents += $incidentToAdd

    return $incidents

function IncrementEditor {
    param (

    if ($editors.PSObject.Properties[$key]) {
        $editors.$key += 1
    else {
        $editors | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $key -Value 1
function Get-FileIsCheckedOut {
    param (


    $fileIsCheckedOut = $item.FieldValues["CheckoutUser"]
    if ($fileIsCheckedOut) {
        $incidentObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Incident" -Value "File is checked out"
        $incidentObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ValueBefore" -Value ""
        $incidentObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ValueAfter" -Value $fileIsCheckedOut.Email
        return $incidentObj

function Get-FileSizeHasDecreasedByMoreThan50Percent {
    param (




    $fileSize1 = $version1.Length
    $fileSize2 = $version2.Length

    if ($fileSize1 -gt $fileSize2) {
        $fileSizeDecrease = $fileSize1 - $fileSize2
        $fileSizeDecreasePercentage = $fileSizeDecrease / $fileSize1

        if ($fileSizeDecreasePercentage -gt 0.5) {

            $incidentObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Incident" -Value "File size has decreased by more than 50%"
            $incidentObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ValueBefore" -Value $fileSize2
            $incidentObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ValueAfter" -Value $fileSize1
            return $incidentObj      

function Get-EditorIncident {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $editorsIncident | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Who" -Value $fileEditors
    $editorsIncident | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "When" -Value ""
    $editorsIncident | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Incident" -Value "File Editors"
    $editorsIncident | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ValueBefore" -Value ""
    $editorsIncident | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ValueAfter" -Value ""
    return $editorsIncident

function Get-DocumentVersionsIncidents {
    param (

    $previousVersion = $null
    $previousFileVersion = $null
    $incidents = @()
    #List of ediors for the file, creator is a first editor
    $creator = $document.FieldValues["Created_x0020_By"].Replace("i:0#.f|membership|", "") 
    $fileEditors = $creator + ";"
    IncrementEditor -key $creator

    for ($versionIndex = 0; $versionIndex -lt $documentVersions.Count; $versionIndex++) {
        $version = $documentVersions[$versionIndex]
        $incidentToAdd = Get-ClonedPSCustomObject -object $incidentObj

        #For some reason the first version does not have the FileVersion property so we take it from the documentFile
        if ($versionIndex -eq 0) {
            $fileVersion = $documentFile
        else {
            $fileVersion = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $version -Property FileVersion

        # in next steps we compare two versions of the file so we need to skip the first version
        if ($null -eq $previousVersion) {
            $previousVersion = $version
            $previousFileVersion = $fileVersion

        $editor = $version.FieldValues["Modified_x0020_By"].Replace("i:0#.f|membership|", "")
        $fileEditors += $editor + ";"
        IncrementEditor -key $editor
        $incidentToAdd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Who" -Value $editor
        $incidentToAdd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "When" -Value $version.FieldValues["Last_x0020_Modified"] 

        $fileIsCheckoutIncident = Get-ClonedPSCustomObject -object $incidentToAdd
        $fileIsCheckedOut = Get-FileIsCheckedOut -item $document -incidentObj $fileIsCheckoutIncident
        if ($fileIsCheckedOut) {
            $incidents += $fileIsCheckedOut

        $fileSizeHasDecreasedIncident = Get-ClonedPSCustomObject -object $incidentToAdd
        $fileSizeHasDecreased = Get-FileSizeHasDecreasedByMoreThan50Percent -version1 $fileVersion -version2 $previousFileVersion -modifiedBy $version.FieldValues["Modified_x0020_By"] -actionModifiedDate $version.FieldValues["Last_x0020_Modified"] -incidentObj  $fileSizeHasDecreasedIncident

        if ($fileSizeHasDecreased) {
            $incidents += $fileSizeHasDecreased

        $previousVersion = $version
        $previousFileVersion = $fileVersion

    # For every file add an incident with all editors
    $editorsIncident = Get-ClonedPSCustomObject -object $incidentObj
    $incidents += Get-EditorIncident -editorsIncident $editorsIncident -fileEditors $fileEditors

    return $incidents

function Get-CSVDataFromEditorsObject {
    $csvData = @()
    $keys = $editors.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $_.Name }

    # Add key-value pairs to the CSV data
    foreach ($key in $keys) {
        $csvData += [PSCustomObject]@{
            Name       = $key
            Activities = $editors.$key

    return $csvData

function CheckFiles {



    try {
        Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteUrl -Interactive

        # Get the document library
        $documentLibrary = Get-DocumentLibrary -SiteUrl $SiteUrl -LibraryName $LibraryName
        # If the list is not a document library, return
        if (-not $documentLibrary) { return }
        $documents = Get-PnPListItem -List $LibraryName -Fields "FileLeafRef", "ID", "File_x0020_Type", "File_x0020_Size", "Created_x0020_By", "Created_x0020_Date", "Modified_x0020_By", "Last_x0020_Modified", "CheckoutUser", "Versions", "File"
        $incidents = @()

        # Loop through all documents in the library
        foreach ($document in $documents) {

            # If the item is a folder, skip it
            if (Get-IsFolder -document $document) { continue; }

            $documentVersions = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $document -Property Versions
            $documentFile = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $document -Property File
            # Get an empty incident object
            $incidentObj = Get-IncidentObject -document $document

            # Get the incidents for the file activities - SharePoint api 2.0
            $incidents += Get-FileActivitiesIncidents -SiteUrl $SiteUrl -documentLibraryId $documentLibrary.Id -fileId $document.Id -incidentObj $incidentObj 

            # Get the incidents for the file versions
            $incidents += Get-DocumentVersionsIncidents -document $document -documentVersions $documentVersions -documentFile $documentFile -incidentObj $incidentObj

        # Export the incidents to a CSV file
        $incidents | Export-Csv -Path "$PSScriptRoot/report.csv" -NoTypeInformation
        # Export the editors to a CSV file
        $csvEditorsData = Get-CSVDataFromEditorsObject
        $csvEditorsData | Export-Csv -Path "$PSScriptRoot/editors.csv" -NoTypeInformation

    catch {
        Write-Host $_.Exception.Message

CheckFiles -SiteUrl $targetSiteUrl -LibraryName $libraryName